Friday, July 24, 2009

Food, Inc. MUST-SEE Move

Factory Farming
Approximately 10 billion animals (chickens, cattle, hogs, ducks, turkeys, lambs and sheep) are raised and killed in the US annually. Nearly all of them are raised on factory farms under inhumane conditions. These industrial farms are also dangerous for their workers, pollute surrounding communities, are unsafe to our food system and contribute significantly to global warming." type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="360" width="640">

Food, Inc. Is a Must-See Movie
"A terrific introduction to the way our food system works, and to the effects of this system on the health of anyone who eats."Read more:

Sunday, July 12, 2009


I’m Gina. I live in a rural town outside of Richmond with my husband John and 3 sons, Stephen -16, Johnny-11 and Drew -9. I have been using Shaklee products since August 2008, became a business builder in October 2008 and was promoted to director in May. The gifts of Shaklee to me and my family are too numerous to count and would take more time than we have today.

But, I will start with my initial gift of Shaklee products. In August of 2008, I was invited to an in-home event of a good friend. I went strictly to support her. I had already been using supplements, vitamins, cleaning and living organically for nearly 5 years. I had no intentions on purchasing products and NEVER selling Shaklee products. I was/am WAY too busy. The incentive for the guests was free Basic H2 and the bottles for scheduling an in-home event. I like free…so what did I have to lose? I booked an in-home and got the free Basic H2.

When I started using the Basic H2, I found cleaning performance was outstanding. What I noticed next was that my 11 year old, Johnny, who is asthmatic and basically, allergic to breathing, was showing improvement. In peak allergy season he wasn’t in need of his inhaler or nebulizing treatments. So I got brave and started to wean him off his allergy shots, asthma and allergy medicine and replaced them with Shaklee products – Alfalfa and NutriFeron. Just one of his 5 prescriptions medications was costing us $50 monthly. Shaklee was already saving us money. Johnny has needed little to no inhaler or nebulizer treatments and is no longer on any prescriptions, over the counter meds or allergy shots. What a gift!

Since the products were working so well for Johnny, I decided to try them with my husband. John gets a sinus infection every winter that lasts 4-6 months. He had been taking lots of over the counter sinus medications for years. Within 1 week of taking Alfalfa, John’s sinus infection was gone. He has not taken any over the counter sinus medication in over 6 months and his sinus infection has not returned.

Well, that is only the beginning of our story. The gifts get bigger. Five years ago at 4 years old, our youngest son, Drew, was diagnosed with a very aggressive, adult brain tumor known as a Glioblastoma Multiforme. We were told to go home and enjoy our time. He had 5-12 months to live. My husband and I quickly prepared for the fight. We would not give up without a fight. Over the last 5 years Drew has undergone, 2 brain surgeries, over 2 years of chemotherapy, 30 days of radiation, platelet transfusions, numerous procedures, dietary changes, and tons of vitamins and supplements.

I have spent the last 5 years researching medical, nutritional, supplement and life changing options. Nothing would be put into my son, until I did the best research I knew how to do. We changed our entire lifestyle, organic food, stainless steel cooking equipment, organic cleaning, and many other changes.

So when Shaklee entered Drew’s regime, I was skeptical at best. I tested everything on me first. The first supplement that impressed me was Pain Relief Complex. The ingredient used is Boswellia. Boswellia was one of the first supplements we started, for its anti-inflammatory properties and apoptosis (causing cell death) in glioma cells. With surgery, radiation and a brain tumor comes lots of inflammation. The doctors are very quick to prescribe steroids. For Drew, we use Boswellia in place of steroids and to maintain proper balance. In the rare occasions when steroids are required for Drew, we use Boswellia to wean him off the steroids more quickly.

I had been purchasing Boswellia through a reputable online company, until becoming involved with Shaklee. Upon reading over the literature on Pain Relief Complex, I realized the working ingredient was Boswellia. In order for Boswellia to have maximum bioavailability and minimal stomach upset, it is best taken with something fatty. Therefore, I was pleased to see the secondary ingredient, safflower extract. For Drew, this means we don’t have to worry with what foods he has eaten prior to taking the Pain Relief Complex. I was also pleased to see it came in 1000 mg vs. the 350 mg we had been purchasing. I say 350 mg loosely, because I would have to do a mathematical computation to figure the proper percentage for the actual amount of ingredients in the Boswellia, since most vitamins and supplements don’t have a consistent and true measurement as displayed on the bottles. By replacing the old Boswellia with Shaklee’s Pain Relief Complex, it will save us nearly $600 (MN) per year.

One of the biggest hurdles we had tried to overcome had been heavy metal toxins. Many of the heavy metal levels were at critical levels, Lead, Mercury, Antimony, and Arsenic, to name a few. A nutritionist who specializes in brain tumors oversees Drew’s nutritional needs. She and others had suggested several chelating and detoxifying medications and supplements, none of them worked. In some cases it seemed as if the toxin levels were getting worse. We tested our water, soil, deck several times with no alarming levels of heavy metal toxins found. It was my opinion that the heavy metals were coming from the prescriptions, vitamins and supplements he was taking. But, I did not know how to prove it.

Drew has not used any kind of detoxing/chelating agents in 2 years. His heavy metal toxin hair analysis completed in April came back with no critical levels and all toxins had been drastically reduced. The only changes we had made were introducing Shaklee products. Needless to say the nutritionist took special notice to this test’s results. As most of you can relate, the doctors don’t really believe in vitamins and supplements. I am here to tell you, Drew’s doctors are now taking notice to our success. Success we attribute to Shaklee’s gift of superior products.

In closing, the gifts of Shaklee have changed my family’s health. I love sharing my Shaklee experiences with others. What other company will pay me to share my story and help others acquire healthy, happy homes. Not only has Shaklee touched our lives, it is allowing us to touch others lives.

Cost Comparison:
Previous: Boswellia
300 mg, 90 cap $25.00
Dosage: 2400mg per day @ 4 caps 2 times per day
8 caps per day or 240 caps per month
3 bottles per month @ $105.00
$900 per year, 36 bottles per year

Shaklee: Pain Relief Complex
1000mg, 120 cap $35.00
Dosage: 3000mg per day @ 3 caps per day 1 cap 3 times per day
3 caps per day or 90 caps per month
1 bottle will last 1 month and 10 days (40 days)
$315.00 per year, 9 bottles per year
A SAVINGS OF: $585.00