Saturday, June 27, 2009

Heavy Metal Toxins

I have to share our personal testimony. My youngest son, Drew, was diagnosed with a very aggressive adult brain tumor in 2004 at 4 years old. One of the tests he had was to examine heavy metal toxins, by hair analysis. He was considered to have critical amounts of several dangerous heavy metals. Among them were, Mercury, Lead, Antimony, and Arsenic.

Once or twice per year he has repeated the test. Every year seemed more critical. We tried several reputable detoxifying systems. None of them helped. We have had our water and soil tested with nothing alarming found.

He had another hair analysis done in April 2009. ALL of the toxins have been drastically reduced. None of them are considered critical levels. His doctor was amazed and asked what type of detox program we had been using. I was pleased to share with the doctor that Shaklee products was our new program. I am convinced the Get Clean products and the supplements have reduced the heavy metal toxins in our bodies and in our home.


Friday, June 26, 2009

Boswellia Saves Us Money

In April 2004, my 4 year old son, Drew, was diagnosed with a brain tumor. After surgery and pathology was completed, the doctors told us the tumor was considered a very aggressive adult tumor called Glioblastoma Multiforme. It is considered the most aggressive brain tumor. We were told to enjoy the next 5 to 12 months with our son.

I am happy to report that it has been 4 ½ years since diagnosis. Drew will be 9 years old on January 19. After diagnosis, we immediately did tons of research and started him on many supplements. Boswellia was one of the first we started for its anti-inflammatory properties and apoptosis (causing cell death) in glioma cells. With surgery, radiation and a brain tumor comes lots of swelling. The doctors are very quick to prescribe steroids. For Drew, we use Boswellia in place of steroids and to maintain proper balance. In the rare occasions when steroids are required for Drew, we use Boswellia to wean him off the steroids more quickly.

I had been purchasing Boswellia through a reputable online company, until recently becoming involved with Shaklee. Upon reading over the literature on Pain Relief Complex, I realized the working ingredient was Boswellia. You see in order for Boswellia to have maximum penetration and minimal stomach upset, it is best taken with something fatty. Therefore, I was pleased to see the secondary ingredient, safflower extract. For Drew this means he does not have to worry so much with what foods he has eaten prior to taking the Pain Relief Complex.

Cost Comparison:
Previous: Boswellia
300 mg, 90 cap $25.00
Dosage: 2400mg per day @ 4 caps 2 times per day
8 caps per day or 240 caps per month
3 bottles per month @ $105.00
$900 per year, 36 bottles per year

Shaklee: Pain Relief Complex
1000mg, 120 cap $35.00
Dosage: 3000mg per day @ 3 caps per day 1 cap 3 times per day
3 caps per day or 90 caps per month
1 bottle will last 1 month and 10 days (40 days)
$315.00 per year, 9 bottles per year

A SAVINGS OF: $585.00

Written by:
Gina Goodman
Drew’s Mom